Mike Tully


Tully Brothers Treasure Hunt I

Part One of a Two Part Story The excitement and allure of a treasure hunt have been a part of our culture for many years, thanks to iconic characters such as Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, and Jack Sparrow. To this day, buried treasure continues to captivate our imagination and fuel desires for adventure. It was […]

The Onslaught of AI and Implications for the Geospatial Professional

By the 2040s we will have the opportunity to apply the accumulated knowledge and skills of our civilization to computational platforms that are billions of times more capable than unassisted biological human intelligence. (Kurzweil, 2005) Kurzweil continues saying “The advent of strong AI is the most important transformation this century will see and comparable in importance to the advent of biology itself. It will mean that a creation of biology has finally mastered its own intelligence and discovered means to overcome its limitations.”

Glossary of Cyber Security Terms

Personal Internet Security

Editor’s Note: the 3-part article on Personal Internet Security for Geospatial Professionals originally (2017) referenced this glossary. Adware What it means: Adware is an annoying form of malware that bombards you with ads when you go online, or use certain programs on your device. Why it matters: Mostly, adware is just a nuisance. However, certain forms […]

Implications of Drones on American Privacy and Freedom

Drones have grown up in the theater of war over the last 20 years being used primarily to “kill” and “spy”. As this technology is unleashed in our neighborhoods and businesses for “work” and “play”, citizens will have to sort out which applications are threatening and which are not.

Q&A: Remote Sensing & Mapping Drones

Surveyors are enjoying an added benefit of drones: survey grade accuracies from the air. These drone systems achieve superior efficiencies in the field for surveyors and lower costs for clients. Surveyors are increasingly adding drones to their arsenal of tools because of their growing utility.

Drones … There I said it!

“Drone”. It’s beautiful. It rolls off the tongue easily. It’s easy to spell. It has a long, storied history with our culture from science fiction and movies. It’s like Kodak. Memorable. Easy to remember. Impossible to misspell.

The More You Know

Adware What it means: Adware is an annoying form of malware that bombards you with ads when you go online, or use certain programs on your device. Why it matters: Mostly, adware is just a nuisance. However, certain forms of adware go beyond annoying pop-ups. Some forms are able to collect marketing data based on […]